416062401 Morbid Match [Short, 2016]


Genre: Short Fiction
Language: English.
Finished: 24 June, 2016.
Author: Eduard Meinema
Words: 6438.
IRC updated: June 24, 2016.

Vinyed 216.04
Stand Alone e-book ($ 2.99 / € 2,99) available at Amazon and Smashwords

External links: -.

Best friends share secrets. But not all of them. Especially not the dark ones. Bill Ryan is confounded when he hears about the sudden death of his friend Leon Curry. Who brutally murdered his best friend? And why was Leon killed in such a lugubrious way? In an attempt to reconstruct the last days of Leon’s life, Bill Ryan finds out that friends can be strangers too.

This is an old story, written in Dutch (in 1989). Adapated and translated in 2016. I'm not quite sure what inspired me to write this. But I do know I was living, and working, in The Hague in those days. Plenty of 'tokos' around there (specialized Dutch Indonesian restaurants). And those were the days of a new internet hype including match making online.

List of characters
Characters alphabetical by last name. Nicknames and characters only known by their first name or their last name, are given underneath this list. Unnamed characters are not listed!
  • Janet Curry - sister victim
  • Leon Curry - victim
  • Bill Ryan - protagonist
  • Rowena Thio - manager restaurant
  • Carla Westbury - girlfriend
  • Helen Yale - girlfriend
  • Ellen - secretary